MSBT Library by GingerAvalanche on GitHub.
About MsbtLib
MSBT (Message Standard Binary Table) is Nintendo's text container format. This library parses the binary format into editable C# classes that can be serialized to a pseudo HTML markup or back to binary.
Usage examples for reading, writing, and editing MSBT files using MsbtLib.
Reading from a FileStream
Reading from a pseudo HTML string
Documentation in progress.
Writing to pseudo HTML
Valid HTML Tags:
Animation - <animation=[name] />
Auto-Advance - <auto_advance=[num_frames] />
Font - <font=[face] /> (Only Normal and Hylian)
Icon - <icon=[character] /> (Some characters require numbers, e.g. A(10))
Pause for a number of frames - <pauseframes=[num_frames] />
Pause for a duration - <pauselength=[duration] /> (Only Short, Long, or Longer)
Set Text Color - <color=[color]> (Only Red, LightGreen1, Blue, Grey, LightGreen4, Orange, or LightGrey)
Reset Text Color to Default - </color>
Text Size - <textsize percent=[num] /> (Use <textsize percent=100 /> to reset)
Extra Info
Writing to a file
Writing to a byte[] (continued example from 'Reading from a byte[]')
The C# implementation of MSBT can be downloaded from GitHub - Direct Download
Credits @Kyle Clemens - Original Rust Implementation @GingerAvalanche - C# Implementation and Usage Instructions
Last updated